Powerhouse Wind were chuffed to win the innovation prize for our PowerCrate® at The New Zealand Agricultural Show in November 2023. This was a key recognition for a product aimed at empowering rural New Zealand and built out of Thinair™ ! Bill and Tim gleefully hold up the prize ribbon for the product they have championed through many years.

Bill showing visitors at the show the inner workings of the PowerCrate. We used simple oil heaters for the electric load which also provided us a nice warm tent when the south-easterly started!

Stowing the solar panels after the show. PowerCrate deploys or stows in about 2 hours if you want to eat lunch too, or 1 hour if you want to beat an incoming southerly!

Until next time…. the PowerCrate is handily picked up by the ubiquitous HIAB on a gorgeous Christchurch Saturday morning. It continued its journey back to Dunedin on a curtain side truck.

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